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Did Bible Verse Predict String of Recent Quakes, Volcano, & Foam?

Many people online are engaging in heated debate over a bible verse that some argue is a direct reference to the recent string of violent earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador, the subsequent volcano eruption, and even the mysterious “earthquake foam” flooding Japanese streets. The bible verse in question is Psalm 46:3, and reads as follows: …Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah.

Mysterious Foam Covers Japanese City In Aftermath Of Destructive Earthquake

Mysterious Foam Covers Japanese City In Aftermath Of Destructive Earthquake

After this week's spike in destructive Japanese earthquakes, which in addition to the two strongest tremors since 2011 has also unleashed several hundred smaller aftershocks and led to over 40 deaths, thousands injured, landslides, collapsed buildings and extensive damage, the most surprising aftereffect appeared yesterday on the streets of the southern Japanese city of Fukuoka which became blanketed in "mysterious foam" leaving residents baffled by the phenomenon which the authorities, busy with the disaster’s aftermath, found no time to explain.

Government Announce Plans To Spray Seattle With ‘GMO Bacteria’

The Washington State Department of Agriculture have approved a pesticide-bacteria spraying program to be used over Seattle, in an attempt to kill Asian and European gypsy moths.  The program, opposed by many residents, will spray a bacteria with pesticide properties called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), the same bacteria gene commonly used in GM crops to kill insects. reports: According to KOMO: “An area in Vancouver will also be sprayed Saturday, then the states moves onto Kent, Lacey, Gig Harbor, Nisqually and Seattle’s Capitol Hill.

7.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Ecuador, 28 Dead, Tsunami Predicted

The Ring of Fire is exploding. In the last 72 hours, two devastating earthquakes slammed Japan, causing many to ask if they were a precursor to a major event. Soon after the quakes, a nearby volcano in Japan began spewing smoke. Now, a massive 7.8 magnitude quake has struck Ecuador, with 28 people already confirmed dead. CNN reports: A tsunami threat warning for many nations in the Pacific that followed the quake has been canceled, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. The forecast for some coastal areas of Ecuador still calls for the possibility of tsunami waves.

Fast Food Contains Alarming Amounts Of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

A new study has found that fast food contains an “alarming” amount of potentially toxic industrial chemicals like phthalates, which  are used in the manufacture of plastics and adhesives. According to researchers at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, people who consume more fast food were exposed to higher levels of the hormone-disrupting chemicals that have been linked to infertility, particularly in males The findings were published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
