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Kim Jong-un Threatens China With Nuclear War, Declares Country ‘An Enemy’

Kim Jong-un has warned that North Korea is on the verge of sending China a “nuclear storm” for its “betrayal of socialism”, according to a leaked document from the Workers’ Party of North Korea.  The document reads, “we must no longer go easy on the Chinese and instead deal with them equally in order to change their attitude of taking us lightly,” the document repeatedly declares China an “enemy state.” North Korea now consider China to be on the same ranks as South Korea, the U.S., and Japan.

Japan To Build Fukushima Ice Wall

Japan plans to build a 1.5-km-long underground refrigeration system around the Fukushima nuclear power plant in the hope of containing groundwater contamination around the crippled facility. Radioactive water has been seeping into the groundwater and the ocean following the tsunami and earthquake of March 2011. Science alert reports: The move comes after swimming robots specially designed to remove Fukushima’s melted fuel rods ‘died’ within days of starting their mission this month, due to high levels of radioactive material destroying their wiring.

University of Alaska Launches 9/11 Controlled Demolition Investigation

The University of Alaska are sponsoring a full investigation into claims that World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC7) was brought down by a controlled demolition during the 9/11 attacks. Dr. J. Leroy Husley, Chair of the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ (UAF) Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, is partnering with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to evaluate the causes for its collapse.

Were The The Dinosaurs Killed Off By A Giant Molecular Cloud ?

New research suggests that dinosaurs and their subsequent apocalypse was caused by a sudden “global cooling” which occurred when Earth passed through a “giant molecular cloud”. GeoBeats news reports: An asteroid is commonly believed to be responsible for the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs around 65 million years ago, but a new study points out another possible cause. A team of researchers argues that the Earth’s prolonged collision with a dense, dark cloud provides a better explanation for the catastrophic event.
