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Fukushima Meltdown Continues To Radiate The World

Fukushima Meltdown Continues To Radiate The World Wiping Out Species And Raising Cancer Rates

Remember, they tell us that nuclear power is safe. Even some environmentalists have fallen for the story that nuclear energy is green.

If one nuclear power plant can do such damage, image what the result would be from nuclear war. The neoconservatives’ resurrection of distrust between the major nuclear powers is the ultimate in irresponsibility.

‘No End In Sight’ For Mutations & DNA Damage Caused By Fukushima

A new report  has been released by Greenpeace outlining the environmental and health impacts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The reports also warns of long-term consequences lasting decades and possible even centuries. RT reports: Stressing there is “no end in sight” to the ecological fallout, the NGO says the impact in a number of areas will continue, which will include but not be limited to mutations in trees, DNA-damaged worms and butterflies, as well as radiation-contaminated mountain water tables.

Deep Pacific Ocean Is Awash With Strange Sounds

Researchers have lowered a microphone underwater and recorded ambient noises from the deepest known trench in the Earth’s seabed, the Challenger Deep in the western Pacific Ocean. The BBC reports: For the first time, scientists have obtained audio recordings from 7 miles (11km) below sea level in Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench, south-west of Guam. They reveal a soundscape rich with the rumble of earthquakes, the deep moans of whales – and the mechanical whirr of ships.

Monsanto To Sue California For Listing Roundup As A Toxic Chemical

Monsanto is suing the State of California for deciding to include glyphosate, the main ingredient in its Popular weedkiller Roundup, on its Proposition 65 toxic chemicals list. California decided to tell the truth about the toxic chemical after the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen” back in March 2015. However, the biotech giant would prefer it if people didn’t know that glyphosate can ‘probably’ cause cancer.
