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Monsanto To Sue California For Listing Roundup As A Toxic Chemical

Monsanto is suing the State of California for deciding to include glyphosate, the main ingredient in its Popular weedkiller Roundup, on its Proposition 65 toxic chemicals list. California decided to tell the truth about the toxic chemical after the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen” back in March 2015. However, the biotech giant would prefer it if people didn’t know that glyphosate can ‘probably’ cause cancer.

U.S. Deploys Fleet Of Warships In South China Sea Face-off

The U.S. Navy have dispatched a fleet of warships to the South China Sea in a show of its military might amid tensions with China over the disputed islands. The U.S. claim that China are attempting to militarize the region in order to guard the territory that the U.S. say China have no right to claim. reports: The stand-off has been heating up on both sides. After news in February that the Chinese deployed an advanced surface-to-air missile battery to the Paracel Islands, U.S. Pacific Command head Adm.

Morocco Foils ISIS Biological Attack

The Moroccan Interior Ministry have said that they have thwarted a biological attack planned by ISIS militants.  The successful apprehension of members of a suspected terrorist cell allowed authorities to dismantle the group before they carried out their planned attack. “Some of the seized substances (from the suspects) are classified by international organizations which specialize in health issues as falling within the category of biological weapons dangerous for their capacity to paralyze and destroy the nervous system and cause death,” the ministry confirmed.

‘Biosignatures’ May Help Detect Alien Life On Other Planets

Researchers from the University of Washington believe that a new study may help with the search for alien life on far away planets. In the past, research found that some planets create oxygen without the presence of biological organism, causing experts to believe that other worlds can sustain life. But it is believed that new findings will help determine the difference between life and the illusion of life, by identifying ‘biosignatures’ in the atmosphere of exoplanets.
