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Black Death Lingered In Europe And Led To Repeated Plague Outbreaks

International researchers suggest that the descendants of the Black Death that consumed Europe during the first outbreak of the bubonic plague in the 14th century, are the source of subsequent repeated European plague outbreaks that followed in later centuries. Devastating waves of the bubonic plague re-emerged on the European continent over the next four centuries, killing hundreds of thousands, after the initial Black Death claimed the lives of about a fifth of the world’s population and in Europe it killed 30–60% of the populace.

WHO Declares Emergency As Zika Virus Spreads Across Americas

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have warned that the Zika virus is likely to spread across all of the Americas, and then possibly the entire globe.  The infection has already been reported in 21 countries including North and South America, and the Caribbean. Thousands of babies have been born with underdeveloped brains as a result, and doctors say, as yet, there are no treatment options available. BBC News reports: The virus was first detected in 1947 in monkeys in Africa.

Strong 6.1 Earthquake Hits Mediterranean Between Spain & Morocco

A strong 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck the Mediterranean between Morocco and Spain early on Monday. The US Geological Survey reported that the quake hit at 4.22 a.m. 62 kilometres north of the Moroccan city of Al Hoceima and 164 kilometres east-southeast of Gibraltar. The quake was followed by a 5.3-magnitude tremor. There have been no reports of casualties. Buildings were damaged by the quake and tremors were felt in the south of Spain and in the Spanish enclave of Melilla bordering Morocco.

Large 7.1 Earthquake Strikes Alaska, More Expected

A large earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 struck Alaska early on Sunday morning, causing pressure to be transferred down the West Coast of the United States triggering a further 4.2 earthquake East of Los Angeles.  The USGS reported that there were no casualties or damage, but said “strong shaking” could be felt near Anchorage. According to an earthquake expert, more quakes are expected to strike the NW/W region of the United States soon.

7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Alaska

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Alaska early Sunday morning. Its epicenter was located 52 miles (83 Km) east of Old Iliamna, Alaska. It had an initial magnitude of 6.4. The USGS reported that there was a low likelihood of casualties and damage, but also reported that strong shaking could be felt near Anchorage. This was about a minute after the #earthquake stopped. It was a loud quake!
