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Russia And China Increase Their Presence In Antarctica

Russia and China have both ramped up their presence in Antartica in order to increase their influence in the last remaining unclaimed part of the world.  Russia are building off of existing Soviet bases in Antarctica and expanding its development of a global petitioning to rival American GPS. reports: Moscow has so far constructed a minimum of three satellite monitoring systems in the Antarctic, the Times reports, with future bases planned. Russia also has more long-term ambitions in the region.

North Korea Confirms It Conducted "Successful Hydrogen Bomb Test" As "Act Of Self-Defense" Against US

North Korea Confirms It Conducted "Successful Hydrogen Bomb Test" As "Act Of Self-Defense" Against US

North Korea has confirmed that it has "successfully tested a hydrogen bomb." The test was "an act of self-defense" against threats like the US.


Ohio Hikers Capture ‘Devil Tree’ Burning From The Inside

A group of hikers from Ohio were stunned and “freaked out” after stumbling upon a burning tree dubbed the “devil tree” during a routine hike last week.  The two hikers filmed a video of the spectacle and shared it on social media where users could clearly see a raging inferno burning inside of the tree but without any smoke or apparent damage to the outside of it. reports: In the beginning of the 30-second video, one of the hikers can be heard saying ‘What the f***,’ as the person filming aims the camera at the top of the tree, which is engulfed in flames from the inside.

U.S. Farmers Are Dropping GMO Crops En Masse

Jackson Country, Oregon, have joined an ever-increasing number of “GE-free” areas in the U.S., where farmers do not cultivate GMO crops.  It’s the eight county in the country to ban the practise of GE farming, as farmers across the land drop producing GMO crops en masse. reports: The Jackson County designation was made final on Dec. 22, when a federal judge approved a consent decree protecting the zone.
