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China Deploys Jets To South China Sea, As US Simulates War With North Korea

China Deploys Jets To South China Sea, As US Simulates War With North Korea

Late last week, China for the first time confirmed the deployment of its J-11B jet fighters to the heavily disputed South China Sea islands. Footage was released by Government-run China Central Television (CCTV) in the form of military propaganda directly challenging the United States and its allies in the disputed waters. The footage confirmed the aircraft are residing in various hangars on Yongxing island, a Chinese name for Woody Island, which is in the contested Paracel Island chain.

Denmark's New Law Could Block Nord Stream 2

Denmark's New Law Could Block Nord Stream 2

Authored by Zainab Calcuttawala via,

A new law passed by the Danish government could authorize regulators to block the passage of the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on security or foreign policy grounds, according to a new report by Reuters.

Under previous laws, the two reasons above would not have constituted valid grounds to reject the construction of a pipeline.

Nord Stream 2 will bypass land routes through Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus to supply gas to Germany and surrounding nations.
