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Ben Garrison's Guide To The Deep State Swamp

Ben Garrison's Guide To The Deep State Swamp

Trump’s election confirmed one thing for certain: The Deep State is real.

As Ben Garrison writes, the Deep State's dedication to removing our president from power is relentless. They will continue to work against him and if Trump backs off from any of his campaign promises, they’ll use that against him and claim victory. This is currently being done with his ambivalence on the ‘dreamers,’ which is a lefty name designed to garner sympathy for illegal aliens.

"I Don't Have Anything To Start Over" - Harvey Victims Pray For Relief As 1000s Remain Stuck In Shelters

"I Don't Have Anything To Start Over" - Harvey Victims Pray For Relief As 1000s Remain Stuck In Shelters

It’s been nearly a month since Hurricane Harvey, a storm that some expect to rank among the costliest natural disasters in US history, and still tens of thousands of Texans remain marooned in temporary housing, unable to return to their flood-damaged homes, while thousands more are struggling to secure hotel rooms and other types of temporary housing, according to the Wall Street Journal.

$700 Billion Unpaid Mortgage Balances In Hurricane Harvey And Irma Disaster Areas

Even as the damage from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma is still being tallied, a preliminary assessment released last week by Black Knight Financial Services estimated that as many as 300,000 borrowers in the vicinity of Houston could become delinquent on their loans and 160,000 could become seriously delinquent, or more than 90 days past due. 

North Korea's Nuclear Tests Could Trigger "Supervolcano" Eruption

North Korea's Nuclear Tests Could Trigger "Supervolcano" Eruption

After North Korea’s latest nuclear test, scientists are worried that more underground explosions in the isolated country’s rocky north could set the stage for a deadly volcanic eruption not unlike the one that NASA fears could be brewing in the Yellowstone caldera.

Following the North’s sixth nuclear test, which produced a blast that, by some estimates, was as powerful as 300 kilo hertz, Chinese authorities have stepped up radiation monitoring and even closed part of their border with North Korea as fallout fears have intensified.
