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Global Stocks Tumble, Asia Plunges On Chinese Commodity Carnage

Global Stocks Tumble, Asia Plunges On Chinese Commodity Carnage

The euphoria of the past month has ended with a thud and BTFDers are strangely missing as the commodity chill out of China (which overnight became full blown carnage), has unleashed a global risk-off phase ahead of today's critical CPI data, resulting in broad and sharp selling across global markets, as European stocks followed declines in Asia while bonds and gold advanced. The equity retreat, which spread to U.S. stock futures, started with last night's sharp puke in Chinese commodities.

German Homeless Population Explodes By One-Third In 2016 As Migrant Crisis Takes Its Toll

German Homeless Population Explodes By One-Third In 2016 As Migrant Crisis Takes Its Toll

According to a recent estimate published by the Federal Association for Assistance for the Homeless, the number of homeless people living on Germany’s streets has risen by 33% in a matter of just a couple of years, to 52,000.  Meanwhile, as The Local notes, the number of Germans who can't afford their own home and have been forced to rely on the generosity of family and friends for a place to sleep every night has also risen a staggering 26%, to over 400,000 people.

EU "Values" Fit Poland Like 'The Saddle Fits The Cow'

EU "Values" Fit Poland Like 'The Saddle Fits The Cow'


“We want God”, “Great Independent Poland,” “Death to the Enemies of the Fatherland!” “Christ is Poland’s King”, “Deus vult” (Latin for God wills, a battle cry of the Crusaders) these are the principal banners carried in the annual Independence March that is held in Warsaw and also in other cities on 11 November, Independence Day.

Also, in the one two days ago, at the head of the marching column you could see a few white flags sporting the red Jerusalem cross.

Nigel Farage Calls On EU To Investigate George Soros

The anti-Russia hysteria that has raged in the US for just over a year now appeared poised to spread to the UK last week after British media learned that three past or present Foreign Office ministers - including Boris Johnson - had been targeted by FBI agents in their investigations into George Papadopoulos and Carter Page. The reports aroused suspicions that the ‘Leave’ campaign may have taken money indirectly from the Russian government.

Russia's Alleged Meddling In Catalan Vote: Playing The Blame Game

Russia's Alleged Meddling In Catalan Vote: Playing The Blame Game

Authored by Alex Gorka via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Few people are able to recognize their own mistakes. Many prefer to deny the truth becoming willfully oblivious to obvious facts. Why assume responsibility if there is such a thing as blame shifting - a true-and-tried method to get away with it? Pointing a finger at someone else to divert attention serves the purpose.
