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Bank Of America: This Is What $700 Quintillion Could Buy You Today

In a whimsical, 100+ page report, meant to literally drum up interest in investing in an entirely new frontier, Bank of America tries to address the untapped "space" opportunity from the perspective investors. The Primer "sets out the challenges and opportunities posed by Space" and, predictably, concludes that lots of money is to be made, just call now to book your piece of timeshared monorail equity as "we are entering an exciting era in Space where we expect more advances in the next few decades than throughout human history." More:

"Thank Goodness The Stock Market Only Goes Up..."

"Thank Goodness The Stock Market Only Goes Up..."

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

It must be exciting to wake up on a gilded bed somewhere in Riyadh and realize that you are Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, mover and shaker of Middle East order. Actually, exciting just to have woken up at all.

Perhaps Prince MBS checks to make sure that there aren’t seventy-two virgins in the room before he rises to prayers, state business, and the prospect of World War Three.
