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The End Of "The End Of History" - US Mid-East Policy's Fork In The Road

The End Of "The End Of History" - US Mid-East Policy's Fork In The Road

Authored by Tom Luongo,

In 1989 Francis Fukayama declared that we had reached “The End of History.”  Democracy as a form of government would, in fact, be the end of the evolution of human interaction.  The West had triumphed and that the rest was ‘just a chase scene,’ to borrow a phrase from Neal Stephenson’s brilliant dystopian novel “Snow Crash.”

Skynet Makes Its Move: Ford Wraps Workers In Exoskeleton

Skynet Makes Its Move: Ford Wraps Workers In Exoskeleton

The secret to crustaceans and insects belonging to the phylum Arthropoda family are their exoskeleton. Ants, lobsters, hermit crabs, spiders, and beetles are all creatures whose life is made possibly by their exoskeleton body plan. Although humans do not have exoskeletons, but rather endoskeletons, it hasn’t stopped the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in pursing this technology.

Things Are Escalating Quickly

Things Are Escalating Quickly

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

I didn’t spend all week writing about the gigantic tremors occurring in the Middle East because I thought it was fun. If I’m even remotely correct in my analysis, the entire world will be affected and shaped for decades to come by what’s about to go down in the region.

Radioactive Cloud Over Europe May Have Come From "Nuclear Accident" In Russia Or Kazakhstan

Radioactive Cloud Over Europe May Have Come From "Nuclear Accident" In Russia Or Kazakhstan

About a month ago, we noted reports from the French nuclear watchdog ISRN that a spike in airborne radioactivity had been detected in the air in Western and Central Europe: "Ruthenium-106 has been detected by several European networks involved in the monitoring of atmospheric radioactive contamination, at levels of a few milliBecquerels per cubic meter of air."

The Ponzi Scheme That's Over 100x The Size Of Madoff

The Ponzi Scheme That's Over 100x The Size Of Madoff

Authored by Simon Black via,

By January 1920, much of Europe was in total chaos following the end of the first World War.

Unemployment soared and steep inflation was setting in across Spain, Italy, Germany, etc.

But an Italian-American businessman who was living in Boston noticed a unique opportunity amid all of that devastation.

He realized that he could buy pre-paid international postage coupons in Europe at dirt-cheap prices, and then resell them in the United States at a hefty profit.
