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The Global "Bubble Arms Race" Has Ushered In The Age Of Government Strongmen

Authored by Doug Noland via Credit Bubble Bulletin blog,

The week left me with an uneasy feeling. There were a number of articles noting the 30-year anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash. I spent “Black Monday” staring at a Telerate monitor as a treasury analyst at Toyota’s US headquarters in Southern California. If I wasn’t completely in love with the markets and macro analysis by that morning, there was no doubt about it by bedtime. Enthralling.

IceCap Asset Management: "We Are About To Witness The Financial Market Movement Of A Lifetime"

IceCap Asset Management: "We Are About To Witness The Financial Market Movement Of A Lifetime"

IceCap Asset Management's Monthly outlook on global investment markets: October 2017, submitted by Keith Decker of IceCap Asset Management

“Should I Stay or Should I Go?”

Darlin’ you got to let me know

During the 1970s, The Clash pushed rock and roll to the edge. Their hard charging, explosive, and anger-filled style, inspired spiked hair, rocked generations and forced people to question conventional thinking.

"It Could Open A Pandora's Box": Italy's 2 Richest Regions Are Voting In Historic Autonomy Referendums

"It Could Open A Pandora's Box": Italy's 2 Richest Regions Are Voting In Historic Autonomy Referendums

Voters in Italy's two wealthiest northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto are voting on Sunday in referendums for greater autonomy from Rome, in which a positive outcome could fan regional tensions in Europe at a time when neighboring Spain is cracking down to prevent Catalonia from breaking away.
