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"We Can't Welcome All The World's Poor" - Macron Unveils Crackdown On Criminal Illegal Aliens

"We Can't Welcome All The World's Poor" - Macron Unveils Crackdown On Criminal Illegal Aliens

Two years after the European Commission carried out the bidding of German Chancellor Angela Merkel by approving a plan to distribute migrants entering the Schengen area through Greece and Italy evenly across the European Union, the people of Europe have made their displeasure with Merkel’s “open door” policy abundantly clear.

"It's A Coup": Catalan President Slams "Worst Attack" By Spain "Since Franco Dictatorship"

"It's A Coup": Catalan President Slams "Worst Attack" By Spain "Since Franco Dictatorship"

Update (1510ET): Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont addressed Catalans, Spaniards, and the rest of Europe on TV saying that the Spanish states' imposition of Article 155 means "liquidation of our self-government and cancellation of the democratic will of Catalans".

Puigdemont said Mr Rajoy had set out to "humiliate" Catalonia in an "attack on democracy" and said removing powers from Catalonia was the "worst attack against the institutions and the people of Catalonia since the military dictatorship of Francisco Franco".

Spain Activates "Nuclear Option": Will Seize Control Of Catalan Government, Force New Elections

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy asked lawmakers to grant him unprecedented powers to force leaders of the Catalonia region to cease their independence push, a dramatic escalation in the confrontation between Spain and the separatist region, which the WSJ - and virtually everyone else - has said will be a major test for Spanish democracy.  According to The Spain Report, this
is the first time in the modern democratic period that a central
government has suspended home rule in one of Spain's 17 regions.
