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Visualizing the World’s Plummeting Fertility Rate

Visualizing the World’s Plummeting Fertility Rate

At the dawn of the 19th century, the world population hit a big milestone: 1 billion people.

Over the next 220 years, the number grew to eight times that, or the 8 billion people who live on the planet today, with half of the growth occurring since 1975.

This continuous climb in global population has been possible thanks to advancements in healthcare and nutrition. However, the UN forecasts that rapid growth will slow down—and may even stop entirely by 2100—because of falling fertility rates.

Mapped: Ukrainian Refugee Destinations by the Numbers

Mapped: Ukrainian Refugee Destinations by the Numbers

It’s been more than a year since Russia invaded Ukraine and forced refugees to seek destinations for new (or temporary) homes.

As this ongoing conflict has dragged on, it has resulted in one of the worst humanitarian crises in Europe in recent times. Millions of people have fled their homes and sought temporary or permanent asylum in countries across Europe, and the world.

Mapped: How Global Housing Prices Have Changed Since 2010

How Global Housing Prices Have Changed Since 2010

In many countries around the world, it seems like house prices have been constantly climbing.

Houses fulfill a rare mix of necessity, utility, sentimentality, and for many, also act as a primary investment to build wealth. And it’s that last angle, combined with increasing demand in many countries, that is driving housing prices skyward.

Visualized: The Head of State of Each Country, by Age and Generation

The Head of State of Each Country By Age and Generation

How many world leaders are in each generation?

This visualization by Edit Gyenge visualizes the ages of every nation’s head of state as of March 22, 2023, comparing them with the median population of the respective country. It uses data from the CIA World Factbook and Wikipedia.
