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Suddenly, "De-Dollarization" Is A Thing

Authored by John Rubino via,

For what seems like decades, other countries have been tiptoeing away from their dependence on the US dollar.

China, Russia, and India have cut deals in which they agree to accept each others’ currencies for bi-lateral trade while Europe, obviously, designed the euro to be a reserve asset and international medium of exchange.

These were challenges to the dollar’s dominance, but they weren’t mortal threats.

Republican Congressman Proposes Pardon Deal For Julian Assange

Republican Congressman Proposes Pardon Deal For Julian Assange

Late on Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Julian Assange might be able to provide proof that there's no truth to the Russia collusion narrative - even as Facebook’s admission that it sold at least $100,000 worth of advertising to a Russian troll farm bent on bolstering support for President Donald Trump has purportedly revived the narrative in the eyes of Trump's political opponents.

Venezuela Begins Publishing Oil Basket Price In Yuan

Venezuela Begins Publishing Oil Basket Price In Yuan

Two days after the WSJ confirmed Maduro's earlier threat that he would stop accepting US Dollars as payment for crude oil imports, Venezuela has done just that.

As a reminder, and as we reported previously, in an effort to circumvent U.S. sanctions, Venezuela told oil traders that it will no longer receive or send payments in dollars. As a result, oil traders who export Venezuelan crude or import oil products into the country have begun converting their invoices to euros.
