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Robbie Travers On Campus Censorship: Ignoring Orwell At Their Peril

Robbie Travers On Campus Censorship: Ignoring Orwell At Their Peril

Robbie Travers, a 21-year-old law student, is being investigated by the University of Edinburgh for claims he committed a “hate crime”.

As we detailed previoustly, sharing a comment on his Facebook page – in response to the U.S. Air Force dropping a massive ordinance air blast (or MOAB, “Mother Of All Bombs) on a network of ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan in April – Travers said:

De-Dollarization Spikes - Venezuela Stops Accepting Dollars For Oil Payments

De-Dollarization Spikes - Venezuela Stops Accepting Dollars For Oil Payments

Did the doomsday clock on the petrodollar (and implicitly US hegemony) just tick one more minute closer to midnight?

Source: The Burning Platform

Apparently confirming what President Maduro had warned following the recent US sanctions, The Wall Street Journal reports that Venezuela has officially stopped accepting US Dollars as payment for its crude oil exports.

"It Blows My Mind": 100-Year Austrian Bond With Record Duration 3x Oversubscribed

As we reported yesterday, Austria was set to make Eurozone history with the first sale of a 100 year bond direct to public markets, bypassing private syndication. It did that later in the day, when the €3.5 billion offering priced tighter than initially marketed, at RAGB 2/2047 +50, at a price 99.502 to yield a paltry 2.112% and with a negligible 2.1% cash coupon.
