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Macron Approval Rating Crashes Twice As Fast As Trump's

Macron Approval Rating Crashes Twice As Fast As Trump's

It appears that Trump is no longer the president with the fastest plunge in his approval rating: that honor has now fallen to France's Emanuel Macron, who since his dramatic victory in the May 7 presidential election, has seen his popularity plummet, and according to a a new poll conducted by Ifop for Le Journal du Dimanche, most French voters are now dissatisfied with Emmanuel Macron’s performance, a dramatic decline for the president who basked in a landslide election victory less than four months ago.

On The Coming Collapse Of China's Ponzi Scheme Economy

On The Coming Collapse Of China's Ponzi Scheme Economy

Authored by Jake Van Der Kamp via The South China Morning Post,

So much production in industries like steel is based on demand for more production, but should that demand falter, the whole system could come crashing down

Friends who have a greater interest than I do in reading the tea leaves in Beijing tell me that the emphasis in relations with Hong Kong from now on will be on one country rather than two systems.

I think this phrases things the wrong way. The one country bit was never in issue.

"Remember, Our Kids Are Watching" - Biden Bashes Trump Over "The Soul Of The Nation"

After 36 years in the Senate and 8 years as VP, it appears Joe Biden is setting up for one more run at the presidency in 2020 - when he will be 77 years old. In an extraordinarily divisive and personally-scathing op-ed, published in The Atlantic, Biden calls on Americans to do what President Trump has not...
