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Zero Tolerance - Venice Mayor Orders Cops To Shoot Anyone Who Shouts 'Allahu Akbar'

Zero Tolerance - Venice Mayor Orders Cops To Shoot Anyone Who Shouts 'Allahu Akbar'

Venice's right-wing mayor has ordered cops to shoot anyone who shouts 'Allahu Akbar' - rather than risk a terror attack.

The Times reports that Italian mayor Luigi Brugnaro claimed that his city Venice was safer than Barcelona - where 14 people died being run down by a van last week.

"In contrast with Barcelona, where they had not set up protection, we keep our guard up."

New Climate Study Throws Wrench In Global Warming Debate: "Our New Technical Paper... Will Likely Be Ignored"

New Climate Study Throws Wrench In Global Warming Debate: "Our New Technical Paper... Will Likely Be Ignored"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

It’s not surprising that so many people believe the idea that global warming is being caused almost entirely by human activity, given the fact that most scientists seem to believe the same thing. But scientists should probably ask themselves why there is still such a large cohort of “deniers” as they like to call them, who are adamant that anthropogenic climate change is a scam.
