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Euro Turmoils After ECB Walks Back Draghi Jackson Hole Appearance

Euro Turmoils After ECB Walks Back Draghi Jackson Hole Appearance

Just yesterday morning, we said that with the Euro rising as much as it has in recent months (or is that the dollar tumbling), the ECB's next move could - or should - be to talk down the common currency, instead of carrying the hawkish "bias" Draghi has pushed for the past half year, culminating with the Sintra mini tantrum in which the poor central banker was "misunderstood" by markets.

Austerity Isn't Dead, It Will Come Back With A Vengeance

Austerity Isn't Dead, It Will Come Back With A Vengeance

Authored by Jonathan Rochford via,

There’s been a steady stream of recent articles claiming that austerity is dead. The “magic” of false measurements, animal spirits and money printing are used to convince the gullible that there is an easy way out.

This one from James McCormack at Fitch argues that populist politicians are responsible for killing off pragmatic economic policy.
