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The Actual Terrorists

The Actual Terrorists

This is an article written by an Austrian, Klaus Madersbacher, who, somehow, was able to see through the heavy blanket of Amerian propaganda that suffocates the ability to think and to pereive throughout the entirety of Europe. He correctly undersands the Western destruction of Libya as a war crime. Germans were executed by the Nuremberg Tribunal for less.

Trump: "Military Solutions Are Now Fully In Place, Locked And Loaded"

Confirming yesterday's report that the Pentagon is now prepared for a "preemptive strike", or response to any provocative action by North Korea, moments ago president Trump took the verbal war of words with Kim Jong-Un into the fourth day when he tweeted that "military solutions are now fully in place,locked and loaded,should North Korea act unwisely.  Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!"

Global Market Rout Spreads: VIX Marches Higher As China Stocks, Currency Plunge

Global Market Rout Spreads: VIX Marches Higher As China Stocks, Currency Plunge

The global rout resulting from tensions over the North Korean nuclear standoff continued on Friday as world stocks tumbled for the fourth day, on course for their worst week since November following a third day of escalating verbal exchanges between Trump and Kim, as European and Asian shares tumlbed, volatility spiked, and the selloff in US futures continued albeit at a more modest pace as the escalating war of words over North Korea drove investors on Friday to safe havens such as the yen, Swiss franc and gold.
