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Nassim Taleb Warns "Something Is Broken In The UK Intellectual Sphere"

Nassim Taleb Warns "Something Is Broken In The UK Intellectual Sphere"

Authored by Nassim Taleb via,

The BBC did some kind of educational cartoon on Roman Britain and represented “diversity” in terms of someone looking African in the show as representative of “diversity” at the time.

The BBC was effectively applying quotas retroactively (I mean, really retroactively). Any dissent from the statistical errors made by the politically correct police is treated as apostasy. Effectively, scholarship is dead in the U.K.

Escaping The Madhouse

Escaping The Madhouse

Authored by Jeff Thomas via,

In the late 17th century, we British decided that, as a humanitarian effort and public service, we’d collect up all the people from the towns and countryside who were bonkers and confine them in institutions, so that society could be protected from them.

As so often proves the case, the idea of a collective solution to an individual problem is doomed to failure from the start.

Joe Scarborough Thinks Your Children Should Want to Die in Wars Rather Than Playing Games

Content originally published at

Joe grew up in Florida and never bothered to join the military. I suppose he was busy playing shuffleboard or whatever the hell they do down in Pensacola. Ever since Joe entered the political scene, he's been part of the neocon gang. You know, rubbing elbows with the likes of Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz or his wife's late father Zbigniew Brzezinski -- chicken hawks who clamor for the blood of young Americans in a perverse, ritualistic manner.
