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Car-Theft Ring In The Netherlands Has Stolen Nearly A Dozen Teslas

Car-Theft Ring In The Netherlands Has Stolen Nearly A Dozen Teslas

Earlier this month, Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled the firs production model o the Tesla Model 3,  the company’s first sedan marketed toward  broader cohort of working Americans who had presumably balked at the price tag of the company’s older model. Musk sees a truly “mass market” car as insurance against the types of sales declines that briefly sent the company’s shares into bear-market territory about a week and a half ago.

Frontrunning: July 17

  • Americans Feel Good About the Economy, Not So Good About Trump (BBG)
  • GOP Leaders Brace for CBO Estimate on Revised Health-Care Bill (BBG)
  • From $2 Billion to Zero: A Private-Equity Fund Goes Bust in the Oil Patch (WSJ)
  • Turkey Building Up Army Base in Qatar, Erdogan Adviser Says (BBG)
  • U.S. Companies Have a New 401(k) Fix: Spend More (WSJ)
  • Plastic-Versus-Cash Battle Heats Up After Visa, Mastercard Deals (BBG)
  • China's strong second-quarter GDP growth paves way for deeper reforms (Reuters)

Sleepy Overnight Session Interrupted By Chinese Market Turmoil

Sleepy Overnight Session Interrupted By Chinese Market Turmoil

Another new week, another day with not much going on. So much, or rather little so, that in its daily wrap Citi starts off with the following: "Pop Art pioneer Andy Warhol, who once said “I like boring things”, would have been a huge fan of today’s session thus far. Though several events of note linger on the horizon for later this week, G10 is firmly on the beach as of this morning."
