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Internal Feuding Within the ECB Over Tapering Continues Now

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

At the Fed, the debate is over normalization of the balance sheet. The Fed has already finished tapering.

In contrast, the ECB is still addicted to a balance sheet build-up. But internal feuding has picked up with Germany and the hawks on one side and doves on the other.

Bloomberg reports ECB Officials Disagree on How Much Is Too Much for Stimulus Plan.

Europe's Liberal Elite Outraged After Renzi Says Italy Has "No Moral Duty To Take In Migrants"

Europe's Liberal Elite Outraged After Renzi Says Italy Has "No Moral Duty To Take In Migrants"

The liberal facade behind Europe's grand refugee acceptance experiment took a big hit on Friday, when Italy's Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, and head of the ruling Democratic Party, said his country does not have "any moral duty to take in migrants", sharply toughening his stance over surging numbers of asylum seekers.  His U-Turn follows that of Angela Merkel, who infamously accepted nearly 1 million mostly Syrian refugees in 2015, only to see a surge in terrorist attacks across Germany and Europe, and a plunge in her popularity as a result of an angry social backlash

Trump-Putin Had a 'Tremendous' Meeting; The Left Goes Ape


Content originally published at

Anything short of a declaration of war is treason, according to some in this country. I see the neocons are mostly never Trumpers now, without an organ in the government to draw from. Since their interests and the democrats are aligned now, the left would be wise to ignore them and cast them out from their party, otherwise you will soon become the party of war.

On the topic of the Trump-Putin meetings, the President said it was 'tremendous.'
