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200 Years Of Immigration - Who Came To America, And When?

200 Years Of Immigration - Who Came To America, And When?

The United States has a long-standing history of being a “nation of immigrants”, and today the country is home to roughly 46.6 million residents that were born outside of the country. Courtesy of Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins, here are three maps and data visualizations that give us some history of who came to America, and when it all happened.


To begin, this video from Metrocosm shows immigration to the U.S. starting from 1820. Each dot represents 10,000 people.

Ray Dalio: The Central Bank Era Is Ending "So Let's All Thank Them"

Ray Dalio: The Central Bank Era Is Ending "So Let's All Thank Them"

For some inexplicable reason, Ray Dalio still thinks the the world not only underwent a deleveraging, but that it was "beautiful." Not only did McKinsey prove that to be completely false two years ago, but for good measure the IIF confirmed as much last week, when it revealed that global debt has hit a record $217 trillion, or 327% of GDP...

... while Citi's Matt King showed that with no demand for credit in the private sector, central banks had no choice but to inject trillions to keep risk prices from collapsing.

Gundlach: Bond Wipeout Is Just Beginning

It was already a jittery day for fixed income investors, with a bond rout which started after today's French auction was poorly received, unleashing a selling scramble and sending Bund yields above 0.50% for the first time since January 2016, and breaking out above a key support level, then crossing the ocean and slamming both US stocks and bonds. And according to Jeff Gundlach, who recently doubled down on his vocal bond bearishness on Twitter...

Unveiling the Silver in the LBMA London vaults

Unveiling the Silver in the LBMA London vaults

Submitted by Ronan Manly,
Sometime in the coming days, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) plans to begin reporting the amount of real physical gold and silver that is actually stored in the network of LBMA vaults in London. This follows an announcement made by the LBMA on 8 May.
There are 7 commercial vault operators (custodians) in the LBMA custodian vault network namely:
