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Washington Has Been At War For 16 Years: Why?

Washington Has Been At War For 16 Years: Why?

Paul Craig Roberts

For sixteen years the US has been at war in the Middle East and North Africa, running up trillions of dollars in expenses, committing untold war crimes, and sending millions of war refugees to burden Europe, while simultaneously claiming that Washington cannot afford its Social Security and Medicare obligations or to fund a national health service like every civilized country has.

Banks Are Saving Stocks As FANG Flops Again, DAX Hits 2-Month Lows

Banks Are Saving Stocks As FANG Flops Again, DAX Hits 2-Month Lows

Yesterday's 'dead cat bounce' in FANG stocks has been erased as broad-based weakness stemming from increasing recognition of hawkish central bank chatter is hitting stocks and bonds. Bank stocks bounce after stress test 'success' are saving some indices from bigger losses.

FANG stock erased yesterday's gains...

Bank stocks bounced overnight and remain green but are fading as the day progresses...


All major indices are in the red with The Dow holding up better as Nasdaq is hit hard...


Frontrunning: June 29

  • Global Bonds Gyrate as Investors Try to Parse Central Banks’ Next Stimulus Moves (WSJ)
  • Republicans struggle to salvage healthcare effort (Reuters)
  • States' Medicaid spending to increase (Reuters)
  • Apple's iPhone turns 10, bumpy start forgotten (Reuters)
  • Fed’s Stress Tests: All Banks Cleared on Payouts to Shareholders (WSJ)
  • Bitcoin's Become So Volatile That It Looks Like a Steroidal ETF (BBG)
  • They Built the First Phone You Loved. Where in the World Is Nokia Now?  (BBG)

Euro Surges, Yields And Stocks Rise As Central Banks Deliver Coordinated Message

Euro Surges, Yields And Stocks Rise As Central Banks Deliver Coordinated Message

The euro soared to the highest level in over a year while bond yields and global shares also climbed, as an ongoing barrage of coordinated hawkish comments from central banks signaled the era of easy money might be coming to an end for more than just the United States. S&P futures were fractionally in the green following the best day for US equities in two months, as banks climbed after passing the Fed's stress tests and announcing bigger than expected shareholder payouts.

NATO Chief Says Recent Cyber Attacks Are A Call To Arms

NATO Chief Says Recent Cyber Attacks Are A Call To Arms

Authored by Joseph Jankowski via,

A major global cyber attack which struck particularly hard in Ukraine on Tuesday could potentially trigger NATO’s Article 5 mutual defense commitment, according to NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg.

On Tuesday, computer systems around the world were subjected to ransomware cyber attacks that spread from Ukraine and Russia, across Europe to the United States and then on to Asia.
