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CNN Caught Faking News Again: Qatar Says News Agency Hacking Linked To Middle East, Not Russia

CNN Caught Faking News Again: Qatar Says News Agency Hacking Linked To Middle East, Not Russia

A couple of weeks ago we expressed some level of 'amazement' at just how sophisticated, efficient and pervasive the 'Russian hacking' community had become after CNN reported that they had managed to hack into a Qatari News Agency and post a 'fake' news story all in an apparent attempt to drive a wedge between the U.S., Qatar and some of it's Gulf Arab neighbors.

Suspect With "Explosive Belt" Shot By Belgian Military After Explosion In Brussels, Shouted "Allahu Akbar"

Update: The suspect in Brussels train station blast shouted "Allahu Akbar," according to a witness quoted by AFP.

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Another day, another (attempted) terrorist attack, this time in Brussles where moments ago gun shots and an explosion were reported at the Central Station, which was promptly evacuated.
