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Mapping Europe's Secessionist Movements

Mapping Europe's Secessionist Movements

Despite the elites' desperate hope that recent 'losses' in Holland France 'prove' the anti-establishment movement is fading (although they all saw soaring popularity), with Europeans ready to protest, there are still numerous regions urging secession...

There have been 486 military conlicts in Europe in the last 2000 years and while the last decade or two has been 'peaceful', we suspect that will not last.

Height Securities Begins Contemplating "Impeachment": Here's What To Look For

After the latest diplomatic scandal involving Donald Trump, which unleashed a frenzy of allegations that Trump is either a traitor or too dumb to govern for sharing allegedly confidential data to the Russian foreign minister, the angry response by Democrats - many of whom now demand hearings, transcripts, or worse - was predictable. What was unexpected was the loud criticism by some very prominent republican senators.

French 30-Year Bond Sale Over 4 Times Oversubscribed

French 30-Year Bond Sale Over 4 Times Oversubscribed

In its first bond sale since the presidential election and the first big test of investor sentiment after Emmanuel Macron won the presidency, France received more than €31 billion in demand for a 30-year bond offering, once again demonstarting the unprecedented demand for duration on the yield-starved continent where the ECB is happily gobbling up every interest-yielding instrument. With some €7 billion in ultra-long duration paper sold via a syndicate of banks, pricing at 30Y FRTR +12, tighter than the +14 price talk, the issue was more than 4 times oversubscribed.
