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Basic Incomes in Finland and Scotland Are Reaction to Trump's Politics

Via The Daily Bell


We need an alternative to Trump's nationalism. It isn't the status quo. The answer to neoliberalism’s Waterloo cannot be the retreat to a barricaded nation-state and the pitting of ‘our’ people against ‘others’ fenced off by tall walls. - UK Guardian

The Guardian has suggested that progressive internationalism should be the antidote to populism around the world. It says that one cannot fight Trump’s supposed populism without suggesting and promoting an alternative.

In Stunning Admission, Draghi Says A Country Can Leave Eurozone But Must "Settle Bill First"

In Stunning Admission, Draghi Says A Country Can Leave Eurozone But Must "Settle Bill First"

Less than 4 years ago, and shortly after his infamous "whatever it takes" threat to speculators, Mario Draghi responded to a question from Zero Hedge readers, saying "there is no Plan B" when it comes to contingency plans for a Eurozone nation leaving the monetary union. The reasoning was simple: the mere contemplation of such a scenario assigned a probability to its occurrence, which is why the ECB was desperate to give the impression that no matter what, Europe's cohesion is unbreakable.

German Press: "That Was No Presidential Speech; That Was A Declaration Of War"

Following yesterday's openly confrontational, deliberately protectionist presidential address by president Trump, which in various circles has been dubbed the "American carnage" speech for obvious reasons, some of Obama's closest foreign friends are scrambling to find a role in a world that has drastically changed in less than 24 hours.
