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Czechs Buying Guns To Shoot Muslim Terrorists

The Czech Republic is in the grip of Islamophobia following terror attacks in Europe. The Interior Minister Milan Chovanec has warned citizens that a Super Holocaust is about to be committed in Europe and wants Czechs be able to use their guns against Muslim terrorists. The government is rushing new gun laws through parliament, working toward amending the constitution. In the near future ordinary citizens may be able to shoot a potential terrorist on-sight in the absence of police.

Dollar Falls On Fading Trump Euphoria; Sterling Slide Spikes UK Stocks; US Futures Flat

Dollar Falls On Fading Trump Euphoria; Sterling Slide Spikes UK Stocks; US Futures Flat

Global stocks were fractionally lower in early European trading, closed Asia mixed, while S&P futures were unchanged, as the dollar fell for a second day on concerns ahead of Trump's press conference on Wednesday. Oil rebounded after its Monday plunge, while commodity metals like iron ore rose limit up in Chinese trading. Top overnight stories include Valeant announcing the sale of $2.1 billion in assets to pay down debt; VW managers warned to stay in Germany as U.S. charges near; Yahoo! plans to shrink board, get rid of Marissa Meyer and change its name after Verizon deal.

In Humiliation For Beppe Grillo, Pro-EU Liberal Group Blocks Alliance With 5-Star Movement

In Humiliation For Beppe Grillo, Pro-EU Liberal Group Blocks Alliance With 5-Star Movement

In what may have been this weekend's biggest surprise, and one which some have suggested demonstrated Beppe Grillo's true nature, in a blog published on Sunday, the founder of Italy's Five-Star Movement (M5S) said his political movement should ditch Nigel Farage's anti-EU UK Independence Party (UKIP) in the European Parliament, and seek a hook up with the liberal pro-EU group Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, or ALDE, led by European Federalist Guy Verhofstadt, in an attempt to consolidated power in the European parliament.
