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China to Slap Penalty On Unnamed American Automaker for 'Monopolistic Behavior'

Apparently, the Obama White House and republic shill, John McCain, didn't do a good enough job cow towing to the demands of their Chinese overlords, following Trump's outrageous behavior of receiving a phone call from the democratically elected Taiwanese President and also suggesting that the American people weren't bound to accept the absurdity of a 'One China' policy.

These people would've been great friends of Germany in the 1930s and 40's, perhaps ceding to a 'One Germany' policy -- pan Europe.

Kissinger On Trump World Order: "The President-Elect Is A Personality... American Policy Evolving"

Kissinger On Trump World Order: "The President-Elect Is A Personality... American Policy Evolving"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

A now-ancient Henry Kissinger is still the de facto manager of the Anglo-establishment wing of the new world order. And he still holds tremendous power and influence over world affairs.

And in true fashion, the realpolitik mastermind is prepared to embrace any president, just made remarks urging people not to prejudge Donald Trump – because his administration could create some useful policy.

It seems that President-elect Trump could become a good disciple after all.
