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Alex Jones: Alternative Media Is Under Siege, We Need To Act Now

Alex Jones has urged independent media outlets and their readers to sign a petition asking the incoming Trump administration end the war on alternative media.  As the mainstream media ramp up their efforts to label anything independent “fake news,” new regulations have been passed in the U.S. and Europe to censor all types of dissent from appearing online.

Saxo Bank's 10 Outrageous Predictions For 2017: Brexit Never Happens, Bitcoin Surges, Fed Folds

Continuing in the tradition of making a selection of calls aimed at provoking conversation on what might surprise or shock the investment returns in the year ahead this year's predictions cover a range of scenarios, including a Chinese growth rebound, an Italian bank rally, Brexit giving way to Bremain and the EU's willingness to change in the face of populist backlash, among others.
