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Populist Doom Aimed at Trump?

 Via The Daily Bell  

 EUROPE’S POPULIST REVOLT  … Donald Trump met with his first foreign ally just a few days after winning the U.S. presidency. But it wasn’t one of the world’s leading statesmen who got the invitation to Trump Tower. It was Nigel Farage, a man once considered a footnote in British politics—but who, in 2016, found himself on the snug inside of one of history’s hairpin turns. -TIME, person of the year

Non-OPEC Nations Agree To Cut Oil Production But Many Questions Remain

Non-OPEC Nations Agree To Cut Oil Production But Many Questions Remain

Non-OPEC oil-producing nations struck a deal in Vienna on Saturday to cut crude output by 600,000 barrels a day, joining a pact meant to reduce a global oversupply of crude, lift prices and lend support to economies hurt by a two-year market slump.

The pact, the first between the two sides in 15 years, comes two weeks after OPEC agreed to reduce its own production by 1.2 million barrels a day.

Has The Trumpian Revolution Begun?

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

The wailing and keening over the choice of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the EPA appears to be a lead indicator of a coming revolution far beyond Reagan’s.

“Trump Taps Climate Skeptic For Top Environmental Post,” said The Wall Street Journal. “Climate Change Denial,” bawled a disbelieving New York Times, which urged the Senate to put Pruitt in a “dust bin.”

The Angry German Press Reacts To Draghi's QExtension

The Angry German Press Reacts To Draghi's QExtension

Back in March, when the ECB unexpectedly announced it would begin buying corporate bonds, while the German population was rather angry, its media was furious. The best example of the fury came from Germany's Handelsblatt, which in an article titled "The dangerous game with the money of the German savers", the authors provide a metaphorical rendering of what is happening in Europe as follows:

The publication also painted a caricature of the man behind Europe's monetary policy:

Dutch Anti-Islam Politician Geert Wilders Convicted Of Insulting, Inciting Discrimination Against Moroccans

Dutch Anti-Islam Politician Geert Wilders Convicted Of Insulting, Inciting Discrimination Against Moroccans

A Dutch court convicted politician Geert Wilders of insulting and incting discrimination against Maroccans, but it imposed no penalty on him while clearing him of inciting hatred. Wilders was charged regarding a 2014 incident in which he urged his supporters to chant they wanted “Fewer! Fewer! Fewer!” Moroccans in the Netherlands. The Dutch Moroccan minority was outraged and pressed charges.
