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Frontrunning: December 5

  • Italy Sinks Into Political Limbo as Defeat Sweeps Renzi Away (BBG)
  • Investors Shrug Off Italy Referendum Result (WSJ); Markets Rise After Italy Turns Down Referendum (BBG)
  • Italy’s ‘No’ Poses Trouble for Eurozone (WSJ)
  • Oil tops $55 for first time in 16 months as OPEC deal fuels buying (Reuters)
  • Merkel regrets Renzi resignation but will work with new Italy government (Reuters)
  • Rescue of Italian bank Monte Paschi in danger after Renzi's defeat (Reuters)

EU Demands Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft Cede to Their Anti-Hate Speech Laws

There's so much hate out there. The EU has decided they're going to do something about it, god damn it. All of the damned, fucking, voters running astray this year must have the autocrats going apeshit trying to figure out ways to suppress populism. As such, the EU is demanding that US tech giants comply with their demands to curtail 'hate speech' else be literally forced to do so -- according to law. The laws are designed to protect migrants streaming into the EU, raping and pillaging along the way.

Europeans, you must comply.

source: Reuters
