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Turkey Proposes Trade With China, Russia And Iran In Local Currencies

Turkey Proposes Trade With China, Russia And Iran In Local Currencies

Forget the "impossible trinity" - Turkey is facing a just as impossible dilemma where it is trying to juggle two things at the same time: attempts to lower interest rates while supporting its currency, and predictably it is failing.

On Friday, the Turkish Lira crashed to record lows, plunging as much as 3.60 against the dollar when Turkish president Erdogan urged banks to lower interest rates because in order to stimulate investment in the economy "there is no other remedy".

Tomorrow's Vote In Italy Will Be A "Wide-Ranging F**k Off", And It's Just The Start...

Submitted by Nick Giambruno via,

Tomorrow, December 4, Italy is holding a referendum that will determine the fate of the entire European Union.

Donald Trump’s victory—which shocked Europe’s political and media elite—gives the populists backing the “No” side of Italy’s referendum the political rocket fuel they need for a virtually guaranteed win.

That momentum will be all but impossible to reverse. Anti-elite sentiment is rising on both sides of the Atlantic. And I bet the global populist revolution will continue.

John Pilger Raises a Question: Has There Ever Been a Government More Evil Than Washington?

John Pilger Raises a Question: Has There Ever Been a Government More Evil Than Washington?

The Coming War on China by John Pilger

Years ago when I was staff associate, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, a tutorial was provided on the destructive power of the Soviet ICBM SS-18, known as Satan. Employing hyperbole, the lecturer said that one SS-18 on Washington would kill everone from Boston to Atlanta.
