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Comparing the Carbon Footprint of Transportation Options

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Putin And Biden Are Playing A Very Dangerous Game Of Chicken. So What Happens If Neither One Backs Down?

The United States and Russia are on a collision course.  Unfortunately, the guys running the show in both countries are not exactly sane, and they deeply, deeply distrust one another.  So what happens when a bunch of lunatics decide to play a game of chicken with the fate of the entire world at stake?  Unfortunately, it appears that we are about to find out.

We are in the Last Days before all Hell breaks loose

We are in the Last Days before all Hell breaks loose

Last days of Pompey?  I was just there last week and I saw the future, not the past. To anyone watching the UN Security Council “debate” last night it is crystal clear we are in the last days before all hell breaks out. So, here we are at Judgment Day, and there surely will not be one soul out on Pennsylvania Avenue to raise an anti-war placard. The tattered remains of the American peace movement is rotten to the core. — Gilbert Doctorow
