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Lies Are Washington’s Chosen Path To Dominance

Lies Are Washington’s Chosen Path To Dominance
Will Putin Fall for Washington’s Lies?

Paul Craig Roberts

I have been waiting to see how long the British Prime Minister, the British Foreign Secretary, and the British Defense Secretary could contine to lie through their teeth before it caught up with them.

The liars got away with their lies longer than would have been possible if there was any longer any respect for truth in Western governments and media.

Slaughterhouse Damascus

This is a translation by Costantino Ceoldo of an article by the well known Italian war correspondent Gian Micalessin reporting from the scene on the latest attrocity committed against Syrian civilians by the Western-armed and supported mercenaries sent to destabilize Syria and throw the counry into chaos, like Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yeman. These attrocities are seldom mentioned in the Western media and when they are, they are falsely blamed on Assad and Russia.

Here is
Gian Micalessin on Slaughterhouse Damascus

Killing Diplomacy — Dmitry Orlov

Dear Readers: Dmitry Orlov provides the best explanation of the latest allegation against Russia. His article is with his permission posted below.

In The Western World Insanity Reigns

In The Western World Insanity Reigns

Paul Craig Roberts

As I wrote earlier today (, “the entire Western world is insane.” More evidence has been jumping out at me all day. For example:

President Trump has nominated a person, Gina Haspel, to be CIA Director who is deeply implicated in CIA torture and destruction of the evidence.
