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More Non-existant Job Growth Reported

More Non-existant Job Growth Reported

Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy added 313,000 jobs in the 28 days of February, causing a big jump in the Dow Jones average. Where does BLS find these jobs?

The BLS finds 61,000 in construction, which, if correct, suggests in view of falling new and existing home sales, that those building at this stage are going to experience financial difficulties.

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us

Paul Craig Roberts

We continue to hear from a variety of uninformed or corrupt people that there is “clear evidence” that Russia interfered in the US presidential election. We hear it from the Atlantic Council, a mouthpiece for the military/security complex.

We hear it from a nutcase in the British Labour Party.
