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US State Department Issues Travel Warning For Europe

The U.S. State Department are warning U.S. citizens against travelling to all parts of Europe, saying that there is a strong chance of an impending terrorist attack.  According to the travel warning, the State Department claim that there is a strong chance that ISIS will strike major events, tourist sites, restaurants, commercial centers and public transportation in the coming summer months. reports: As part of the State Department’s continuous efforts to provide Americans travelling abroad with information about relevant events, we are alerting U.S.

NATO Chief Threatens Dire Consequences If UK Vote Brexit

NATO chief, General Jens Stoltenberg, has warned Britain that a Brexit vote would lead to dire consequences for the UK and Europe.  Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told an event at Brussels that if the UK vote Brexit it will lead to instability throughout Europe. “What really matters for NATO is, I strongly believe, a strong UK in a strong EU. It is good for both the UK and the EU but also for NATO,” Stoltenberg said on Monday. reports: Stoltenberg, the former Norwegian premier, said that it was “up to the British people” to decide about the future of their country.

Economist Says European Union On Verge Of Collapse

An economic expert has warned that the European Union is on the brink of breaking up, thus ending the entire European project.  Ian Williams, an economist from New York, told Press TV what he thought of a warning made by European Council President Donald Tusk on the imminent collapse of Europe. reports: Press TV: Tusk says that European leaders failed to notice that ordinary people, the citizens of Europe, do not share their Euro-enthusiasm. And he also said instead, the masses are pushing towards more of a ‘Euro-skepticism’, your thoughts as to why?
