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Switzerland Host Occult Opening Ceremony Of World’s Largest Tunnel

Europe’s elite attended a bizarre and disturbing occult ritual recently, in a satanic opening ceremony marking the opening of the Gottard Base Tunnel in Switzerland.  The tunnel measures over 57 kilometers and costed over 11 billion Euros to construct, making it the world’s largest and most expensive tunnel in history. reports: Going through the Swiss Alps, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders.

French Citizen Caught With 100 Kilos Of Bombs Destined For Euro 2016

A 25-year-old French citizen has been caught attempting to smuggle over 100 kilo’s of bombs and weapons to the Euro 2016 championships.  State border security guards detained the man at the Ukrainian-Police border this week, and found him to be carrying 100 kg of explosives, fuses, three grenade launchers and several Kalashnikov assault rifles. The RIA Novosti news agency confirmed the man had been detained, saying “I can say that yes, it happened, but all within the competence of the security Service of Ukraine”.

Trump Victory Would Mend US-Russian Relations: Top Moscow Senator

Trump Victory Would Mend US-Russian Relations: Top Moscow Senator

While the US political and financial establishment has been firmly opposed to a Trump presidency, an unexpected supporter for the presumptive GOP candidate has emerged in Russia, where the head of the Russian Upper House Committee for Foreign Relations, Konstantin Kosachev, said that a victory for Donald Trump in the US presidential elections would provide the "shake up" Washington needs and could be the catalyst to reverse the rapidly deteriorating trend in US-Russian relations.
