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Will The November US Presidential Election Bring The End Of The World? — Paul Craig Roberts

Will The November US Presidential Election Bring The End Of The World?

Paul Craig Roberts

“We have been watching for nearly a month a steady buildup of American and NATO forces along Russia’s borders – on land, on sea and in the air. There has been nothing like this on Russia’s borders, such an amassing of hostile military force, since the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.”

Ex-NATO Chief Predicts Russia Will Start WW3…. Next Year

A senior retired NATO general has predicted that Russia will start a world war in exactly a year from now. General Sir Richard Shirreff, who served as Nato’s Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe said that a Russian attack on Estonia, Lithuania or Latvia, which are all Nato members, was a serious possibility and that the West should act now to avert “potential catastrophe”. A Russia insider report: BRACE YOURSELF: Ex-Deputy NATO Commander Predicts Russia Will Start WW3 in May 2017 We’re not kidding, he is actually that specific General Sir Richard Shirreff This is unbelievable.

Deutsche Bank CEO "Very Disappointed" By Moody's Downgrade

Deutsche Bank CEO "Very Disappointed" By Moody's Downgrade

As reported yesterday, adding insult to injury to a bank that just hours earlier admitted that in addition to rigging everything else it has also been caught engaging in "stock fraud" at the same time as a new mortgage probe was launched against it, Deutsche Bank's senior debt rating was downgraded by Moody's to Baa2, just two notches above junk. For the bank with the tens of trillions in derivatives, being seen as an increasingly more distressed counterparty was not good news and explains why the CEO took the unexpected step of having to defend his firm following the downgrade.
