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In Historic First, Singapore Shuts Local Private Bank Due To "Worst Gross Misconduct" Is Has Ever Seen

Following the demise of the thousand year-long tradition of Swiss banking secrecy, crushed virtually overnight by Barack Obama's demands to make the central European nation's banking industry transparent, one of the major consequences was the shift in money laundering from Geneva and Zurich to the latest and greatest "anonymous" banking and tax evasion hub located halfway around the world, namely Singapore.

Google's Paris Office Raided In Tax Evasion Probe

Google's Paris Office Raided In Tax Evasion Probe

Europe's crackdown on both individual and corporate tax evaders hit a new high this morning when according to French daily Le Parisien, French tax officials raided the Paris offices of Google early Tuesday in a probe into possible tax evasion.

The raids follows a complaint by the French finance ministry, paper says. Acccording to Bloomberg, prosecutors and Al Verney, a spokesman for Google in Brussels, didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

Stronger Dollar Sends Futures Higher, Oil Lower, Asian Stocks To Two Month Lows

Stronger Dollar Sends Futures Higher, Oil Lower, Asian Stocks To Two Month Lows

Yesterday's weak dollar headfake has ended and overnight the USD rallied, while Asian stocks dropped to the lowest level in 7 weeks and crude oil fell as speculation returned that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates as early as next month. The pound jumped and European stocks gained thanks to a weaker EUR.

The Case For Brexit

The Case For Brexit

With the market still strongly disagreeing with the polls over how BREMAIN is a done deal...


TrueSinews' Sean Corrigan explains why in his contrite "case for Brexit"...

‘Dear True Sinews, what are your thoughts on Brexit? Roger Bootle wrote a piece in the Telegraph yesterday suggesting that just because everyone is saying one thing, it doesn’t necessarily follow they are right Currently, I sit firmly on the fence getting splinters! Neither side is convincing me either way.’
