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Erdogan Furious After EU Suspends Plans To Extend Visa-Free Travel To Turkey

Erdogan Furious After EU Suspends Plans To Extend Visa-Free Travel To Turkey

Two weeks ago a high-ranking deputy for Turkey’s ruling AKP party, Burhan Kuzu (also a former adviser to President Erdogan) issued an explicit threat to Europe which was at that time discussing whether or not to grant Turkey visa-free travel within the continent. Specifically, he tweeted that "The European Parliament will discuss the report that will open Europe visa-free for Turkish citizens. If the wrong decision is taken, we will unleash  the refugees!." 

In Dramatic Outcome, Austria's Right Wing Presidential Candidate Is Defeated Thanks To Postal Votes

In Dramatic Outcome, Austria's Right Wing Presidential Candidate Is Defeated Thanks To Postal Votes

After yesterday's presidential run-off round, the leader of Austria's anti-immigration, right-wing party, Norbert Hofer held a comfortable lead based on votes from the ground, with Hofer leading the independent, pro-EU candidate Van der Bellen by 51.9% to 48.1%, according to interior ministry data. However, in the end it all came down to the postal votes, and as BBC reports, the Green Party leader, Alexander Van der Bellen has won Austria's presidential election, preventing Norbert Hofer from becoming the EU's first far-right head of state, the BBC has been told.

The Wildest Predictions For Oil Prices In 2016

The Wildest Predictions For Oil Prices In 2016

Submitted by Michael McDonald via,

One reality in the markets is that despite the best efforts of analysts and traders, no one ever knows with any degree of certainty what will happen to the price of an investment in the future. Oil exemplifies that premise right now. All year there has been a tremendous amount of discrepancy in predictions for oil prices with some commentators looking for prices of $10 a barrel and others expecting prices near $100.
