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"Hillary Clinton Is A Danger To World Peace", French Presidential Frontrunner Le Pen Warns

"Hillary Clinton Is A Danger To World Peace", French Presidential Frontrunner Le Pen Warns

American media has repeatedly likened GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump to France's far-right Front-National party leader, and frontrunner in polling for the French 2017 presidential election, Marine Le Pen and while the forthright French politician has not explicitly named a "preferable" candidate for US president, her comments today suggest it is not Hillary Clinton.

Unintended Consequences Of Monetary Policy 101: Easy Money = Over-Capacity = Deflation

Unintended Consequences Of Monetary Policy 101: Easy Money = Over-Capacity = Deflation

Submitted by John Rubino via,

Somewhere back in the depths of time the world got the idea that easy money — that is, low interest rates and high levels of government spending — would produce sustainable growth with modest but positive inflation. And for a while it seemed to work.

Scaredy-cat Americans

Scaredy-cat Americans

The United States States government and the oligarchy that controls it comprise the most malign force that has ever existed on Earth. Finian Cunningham writing in the online journal Strategic Culture Foundation explains how the Dark Lords use fear to rule scared Americans.

America – the Most Frightened Nation on Earth
By Finian Cunningham

"Shanghai Accord Flows Reverse" - Retail Investors Pulls Money From Stocks For 6 Straight Weeks

"Shanghai Accord Flows Reverse" - Retail Investors Pulls Money From Stocks For 6 Straight Weeks

One week ago we showed that in a surprising twist, even as the broader market has remains stable and trading rangebound between 2040 and 2080 over the past month, actual equity outflows had accelerated and one week ago EPFR reporter another $7.4bn in equity fund outflows (the 5th straight week) driven by $4.8bn in mutual fund outflows and $2.7bn ETF outflows, leading to a $44bn equity exodus past 5 weeks, which as Michael Hartnett points out is the "largest redemption period since Aug’11."


Futures Rise As Fed Fears Subside; Global Stocks Rebound From Six Week Lows

Futures Rise As Fed Fears Subside; Global Stocks Rebound From Six Week Lows

It will be fitting, not to mention symmetric, if stocks which yesterday closed at 7 weeks lows and red for the year, end the week the same way they started it: with a rally on no news, just more hopes that oil (which as recently as two years ago none other than Chair Yellen said said would be be "unambiguously good" if lower) will continue rising.
