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Dis-May In Europe: STOXX 600 Trades Like 2001 & 2008

Dis-May In Europe: STOXX 600 Trades Like 2001 & 2008

The STOXX Europe 600 is trending below declining and bearishly positioned 26 and 40-week moving averages, and as BofAML's Stephen Suttmeier warns, ECB quantitative easing has not reversed this bearish trend.

The 2016 set-up is similar to early 2001 and early 2008 with important resistance at 350 and important support at 300. Both 2001 and 2008 saw rebounds into bearishly positioned and falling 26/40-week MAs that formed important lower tops in May.


Spain Sells 3x Oversubscribed 50-Year Bond

Following a scramble by European nations to issue ultra long-dated government paper, which saw France and Belgium sell 50-year bonds last month, while Ireland and Belgium went all the way and issued century bonds, with even Switzerland locking in 42-year paper yesterday, moments ago Spain was the latest to extend maturities all the way to 2066 when it sold €3 billion in 50 year bonds at Midswaps+50. According to MarketNews, the issue was over 3 times oversubscribed with the orderbook closing at €10.5 billion.

Here are the full details from Bloomberg:

Frontrunning: May 11

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