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"The TTIP Is Doomed" - France Threatens To Reject Obama's Huge Transatlantic Trade Deal

"The TTIP Is Doomed" - France Threatens To Reject Obama's Huge Transatlantic Trade Deal

Following this weekend's leak by Greenpeace demonstrating not only that the TTIP is driven entirely by narrow corporate interests, but that Obama is openly willing to reneg on his pro-environment agenda just to pass the Transatlantic Treaty at any cost, the blowback arrived earlier today when France became the first major European nation which threatened to reject the huge free trade deal between the U.S. and the European Union, because according to AP "it's too friendly to U.S. business and probably doomed."

A Surprise From JPM: "Pundits Are Urging Investors To Chase Performance; We Believe This Would Be A Mistake"

A Surprise From JPM: "Pundits Are Urging Investors To Chase Performance; We Believe This Would Be A Mistake"

There has been a surprising mood change at JPM over the past 4 months: after initially changing the company's long-held view on equities, which for the first time since 2007 it is no longer holds at overweight, JPM's head equity strategist Mislav Matejka has been quite vocal on urging clients to take advantage of the current rally and sell into it. To be sure, this was surprising because whether JPM is talking its book or not, the bank stands to generate more client fees if the prevailing sentiment is one of bullish optimism rather than the opposite.

Treasury Yields Tumble Most In 3 Months Despite Fed's Williams Warning

Treasury Yields Tumble Most In 3 Months Despite Fed's Williams Warning

Having pushed higher yesterday, it appears 'investors' have had a sudden change of heart and are panic-buying bonds today, despite Fed's Williams warning that:


Treasury yields are down 5bps (2Y) to 9bps (10Y) with non-stop buying since Europe opened.


30Y yield's 7.5bps drop is the biggest since Feb 18th, pushing the yield back to its 20-day moving average.

European Stocks Tumble After EU Slashes Growth, Inflation Guesses

European Stocks Tumble After EU Slashes Growth, Inflation Guesses

Despite unleashing his bazooka, Mario Draghi - like his colleagues at The BoJ - appears to have hit the limit of his impotence as the European Commission cut its outlook for growth and inflation across the Union for 2016 and 2017. Citing the economic slowdown in China and other emerging markets, geopolitical tensions and uncertainty ahead of the U.K. referendum on EU membership, WSJ reports EU’s economists also cautioned that the strength of factors that have been supporting growth in the region, such as low oil prices and a weaker euro, could start to fade.
