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Hungary PM Bans ‘Islamisation’

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has officially banned ‘Islamisation’ from Hungary in order to protect the country’s culture and language.  Orban said the government opposes mass migration because it dilutes the principles of the Hungary constitution. reports: These comments follow the country’s decision to build a razor-wire fence last year to stop migrants from entering its borders. Orban said in order to be able to protect the citizens of Hungary they must know who wants to come in and why.

The Real Redcoats

A few paces west of the public beach in Yorktown, Virginia, is a little cave looking out toward the water. We all know Yorktown from history class. This is where, in October 1781, the British army commanded by Lord Cornwallis surrendered to the Americans under General George Washington and the French under the Comte de Rochambeau.
