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A Great Awakening: Public Support For Fake "Free Trade" Deals Plunges

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Public opposition to the sovereignty killing corporate giveaway marketed as a free trade deal known as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) has become so widespread that all the leading candidates for the U.S. Presidency are publicly against it. Specifically, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are virulently opposed, while Hillary Clinton is pretending to be against it in order to harvest votes.


Who’s Afraid of ‘Brexit’?

Tim Montgomerie isn’t pleased with Obama’s planned intervention in the “Brexit” debate:

The timing of his visit, halfway through the EU referendum debate, is no accident. There is a longstanding international understanding that world leaders don’t visit during election campaigns — but such conventions were obviously designed for lesser mortals. Obama has no qualms and the Prime Minister has no shame: he needs every endorsement he can get.

Europe Makes "Deal With The Devil", Panics After Deal Terms Have To Be Changed

Europe Makes "Deal With The Devil", Panics After Deal Terms Have To Be Changed

Submitted by Mike "Mish" Shedlock

EU’s Refugee Dilemma: “Growing Panic” on How to Change Terms of Deal with Devil

When you make a deal with the devil, it’s certain the devil will insist you keep up your end of the bargain.

That’s precisely where we are at today in regards to the European refugee crisis.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel signed off on a deal with the devil (Turkey) that would give 80 million Turkish Muslims visa-free access to the EU. As part of the deal, Turkey will receive €3 billion in aid.

US Assaults British Sovereignty — Paul Craig Roberts

US Assaults British Sovereignty

Paul Craig Roberts

The Washington elite believe that the British people should serve Washington’s interest and not their own. To this end, President Obama has been sent to London to emphasize that the UK must remain in the EU.

Does this make you wonder why it is important to Washington for the British people to surrender their national sovereignty to the European Union? If not, it should.
