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Pimco Economist Has A Stunning Proposal To Save The Economy: The Fed Should Monetize Gold

Pimco Economist Has A Stunning Proposal To Save The Economy: The Fed Should Monetize Gold

Back in December 2014, just before the ECB officially launched its initial phase of QE in which it would monetize government bonds, Mario Draghi was asked a very direct question: what types of assets could the ECB buy as part of its quantitative easing program. He responded, "we discussed all assets but gold."

Why Is The Stock Market So Strong?

Why Is The Stock Market So Strong?

Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,

Dismal Earnings, Extreme Valuations

The current earnings season hasn’t been very good so far. Companies continue to “beat expectations” of course, but this is just a silly game. The stock market’s valuation is already between the highest and third highest in history depending on how it is measured.



UBS Warns "Beware The Bull Trap" As Breadth Breaks Down

UBS Warns "Beware The Bull Trap" As Breadth Breaks Down

In January and in early February UBS' technical analysts said that while they do not believe in a 2008 event, 2016 should be a highly volatile and a trading oriented year for equities... and so far it has. But now Michael Riesner and Marc Muller see a high likelihood to move into our suggested early Q2 cycle top this week.

With last week’s higher low at 2033, we have a new pivotal support in place in the SPX, which makes 2033 to a tactical key support.

Frontrunning: April 21

  • World stocks gain along with oil, clock ticks down to ECB (Reuters)
  • Draghi Expected to Defend ECB in Face of German Criticism (WSJ)
  • Trump, Cruz, Kasich seek to win over Republican leaders at party meeting (Reuters)
  • Donald Trump Plans to Adopt More-Traditional Campaign Tactics (WSJ)
  • Japan, Not Germany, Leads World in Negative-Yield Bonds (BBG)
  • Obama starts talks with Gulf leaders aimed at easing strains (Reuters)
  • Soros: China Looks Like the US Before the Crisis (BBG)
