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"The World's Most Bearish Hedge Fund" Has A Terrible March, Goes Even Shorter

"The World's Most Bearish Hedge Fund" Has A Terrible March, Goes Even Shorter

For many months we have covered the "world's most bearish hedge fund", Horseman Global, which over the past several months (and years) has had a stunning run and has generated unprecedented returns (even as it has maintained a net short exposure for the past 4 years) and just last month, after returning 9.6% YTD went record short with a -88% net exposure.

"If No Agreement Expect Sharp Selloff" - All You Need To Know About Doha

"If No Agreement Expect Sharp Selloff" - All You Need To Know About Doha

Nations representing almost 60%of the world’s oil production will gather in Doha on April 17 to discuss "freezing their output at January levels" in an effort to stabilize prices. According to Bloomberg, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Venezuela made a preliminary deal in February and are seeking to add more producers and extend the recent price recovery, but, despite the exuberant squeeze early this week, oil prices are fading modestly as D(oha)-Day looms.


The Real Reason the Fed Will Not Raise Rates Again

The Fed is “one and done” for rate hikes.


We called this back in mid-2015. The US economy is far too weak for the Fed to engage in anything resembling a series of rate hikes. Corporate leverage, household leverage, even the national debt stand at levels that limit the Fed from hiking rates.


The Central Banking insiders know this. Which is why Former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke admitted in private luncheons with hedge fund managers that rates would not “normalize” in his “lifetime.”

