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Migrant Flow Sealed Off – Greek Arrival Numbers Plummet

Just last week we reported about Greece deporting migrants to Turkey as part of a mutual deal with the EU. Now, nearly a week later, the number of migrants has dropped severely. According to a report from The number of irregular migrants making the dangerous boat journey from Turkey to Greece plunged to 78 in the past 24 hours, the Greek refugee crisis committee said Saturday. Closed borders and the prospect of migrants being sent back to Turkey appears to be stemming the flow.

How The ECB Trapped Itself In A "Catch 22"

How The ECB Trapped Itself In A "Catch 22"

With speculation of helicopter money in Europe spreading like wildfire, here is a simple summary of how the ECB may have no choice but to go with the "final solution" and engage the "chopper" for one simple reason: by pushing bond yields lower, the ECB is now actively impairing the functioning of Europe's banks, and it's getting to the point where European bank stocks are now back to crisis lows, leading to questions about their viability. Here is the explanation courtesy of DB's Jim Reid.
